Media gallery — after Ex Tropical Cyclone Alfred

Coochiemudlo Island, March 2025

Images by Lee Steindl and Angela Hoskins

Read the article about after Ex. TC Alfred

Restoration help from various service providers

Energex arriving onto the island on Monday 10 March — a cause for celebration and thanks! The Energex crews have been amazing and we can’t thank them enough for their work on fixing the very complex outage to the whole island.

Video: Rebecca Young MP Facebook.

Ice was delivered to residents the day the barge was given the green light to operate.

Ice was delivered to the island residents after the harbour master gave the green light for the vehicle barge to operate. This delivery was a state government initiative to help slow up food spoilage from of the power outage.

Roadside pile ups from debri outside residences.

Redlands City Council contractors clearing away debri.

Norfolk Beach and Morwong Beach — eastern and northern shorelines

After the storm — beauty and destruction

Photos taken 10 March 2025.

North-east corner of the island. Vivienne Roberts-Thomson (Coochiemudlo Island Coastcare president) checking out the shoreline erosion and trees in the wake of Ex. TC Alfred.

Forest red gum on the north east corner of the island with exposed roots from erosion after Ex. TC Alfred. See this tree on Trees on Coochiemudlo — it’s the first photo on the page.

Looking south, from the top of Norfolk Beach.

Distinct red volcanic rocks, northern end of Norfolk Beach, looking south.

An eastern great egret on the waterline of Norfolk Beach — if you can see it, faint against the grey day and sea. Macleay Island in the background.

The same eastern great egret, taking off.

Erosion on the shoreline, Norfolk Beach.

Erosion on the shoreline, Norfolk Beach.

Sand washed away from the sandbags at one of the path entrances to Norfolk Beach.

Same path as the previous photo showing the tree snapped in half.

Storm water run off onto Norfolk Beach.

Fallen tree in the Melaleuca Wetlands situated on the island, off Norfolk Beach.

Morwong Beach and resilient mangroves.

Storm water run off onto Morwong Beach.