Birds on Coochiemudlo Island

Fun Fact (from way back)

‘The island of Coochiemudlo, in Moreton Bay, has been proclaimed a reserve for the protection of native birds.’

~ From a short article in the Brisbane Telegraph, ‘Birds and Animals: Reserves Proclaimed’, Friday 21 November 1919.

Article sourced from Trove.

When it comes to birdlife on the island, the bush stone-curlew stands out, maybe because of the numbers and their size — and their call. Some residents fondly consider them to be Coochiemudlo’s totem. The curlews on the island are regularly seen scrambling through the bush, through unfenced yards, and across roads which is why there is a strict traffic speed limit on the island of 40km/hour — even slower at night.

For more information about the bush stone-curlew, with specific reference to Coochiemuldo Island, read these articles:

Photo gallery of birds on the island

For detailed profiles about the birds on Coochiemudlo Island, visit Birdlife Australia.

Got a bird photo to add to this page? Please get in touch via the contact form.

See our page about shorebirds on Coochiemudlo Island.

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