Life on Coochiemudlo Island

About this website

This site is an initiative of local business Site Content | websites that work. Angela Hoskins, website designer and founder of Site Content, works and lives on Coochiemudlo Island. Life on Coochiemudlo Island, the website, went live to the community on 7 May 2024.

There’s a vibrant community on the island with many volunteer organisations all contributing their bit. This website aims to contribute to both these organisations, the businesses operating on the island, and the community. One example is the calendar: organisations scheduling events on the calendar, in advance, will help fix a regular clashing-of-events-on-the-same-date issue.

The island’s Facebook group, Coochie Community, has a huge following with numerous posts each day. These posts cover a range of things … from someone needing to borrow a pantry ingredient … to needing advice about a tradie recommendation. Not everyone is on Facebook. There are some people in the Facebook group who only check out the page intermittently. Trying to locate an old post that offered a practical tip and be tricky – it’s not that easy diving deep into past posts if you can’t remember the keyword used in that nugget of information. This is where this website steps in.

We hope that visitors to the island will find the information on this site useful.

Aside from practical information based on factual information, there are also stories and opinion pieces. You’ll find these mainly in the article section.

Do you have an article to contribute? By all means contact Angela via the form to either submit content or say hello, perhaps recommend some content that is missing from the site.

This site aims to grow over time. Your contributions will be important!

Aerial and photographic contributions to this site are from Sure Shot Film, used with their permission, and with thanks from Site Content!

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