Tim Herse, Weather Freak
Tim Herse is a self-proclaimed weather freak — always has been. Since he moved to Coochiemudlo, he’s been methodically recording the island’s rainfall and each month he posts the tally to the Coochie Community Facebook group …
Lives Lived: On Scotland Island and Coochiemudlo Island
Although it’s easy to fall in love with island life, there are challenges! This story from Nick O’Brien is a fond recollection from his time living on beautiful Scotland Island, NSW, before moving to Coochiemudlo.
Norma Green — Coochiemudlo Gem
This article by Christine Leonard was written after spending a morning reminiscing with Norma and friends back in May 2024. They revisited happy memories and earlier days on Coochie, with small talk and tall tales lubricated by cups of tea, coffee and biscuits.