Weed of the Month: Ground Asparagus Fern(Asparagus aethiopicus ‘Sprengeri’)
This article was first published in Hi Tidings in May 2023.
By Rae Wear (Rae is from the Native Nursery on Coochiemudlo Island)
This month’s weed is one of 32 WoNS — weeds of national significance — a list of Australia’s most invasive plants identified by federal, state and territory governments. S
It has long, bright green, prickly, arching stems and small pinkish white flowers. These are followed by green berries which turn bright red when ripe. This highly invasive plant came originally from Africa and, like so many weeds, was introduced as an ornamental. It is spread by seed, vegetatively through its entangled root system, and via garden waste dumped in bushland.
More information about this weed can be found at Brisbane City Council Weed Identification Tool.
Native alternatives
Alternative native groundcovers include dianella species, native sarsaparilla (Hardenbergia violacea) or native jasmine (Jasminum didymum).