News, Environment Angela Hoskins News, Environment Angela Hoskins

Eradicating Fire Ants — Updated Procedure

From 1 October 2024, the NFAEP is introducing a new approach to fire ant treatment on Coochiemudlo Island.

When you report suspected fire ants or nests on your property, you will receive a fire ant treatment kit by mail. It includes an instructional brochure that shows you how to treat nests.

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Melaleuca Wetlands, Environment Angela Hoskins Melaleuca Wetlands, Environment Angela Hoskins

The Melaleuca Wetlands Fauna Survey

History and research — we can learn from both. Melaleuca wetlands have been valued by Quandamooka people for thousands of years. A survey of our Wetlands’ fauna was completed in 2016 … this article revisits the survey and offers a bite-sized version of this important research — about the wildlife on the island and the animals no longer here.

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Environment, Light pollution Angela Hoskins Environment, Light pollution Angela Hoskins

Light and dark

Rae Wear has written an excellent article about how the ‘behaviour of birds, plants and animals has been shaped by natural light — sunrise, sunsets, the moon, the stars and periods of darkness’. Over recent years, there’s been a lot of research into the importance of conserving ‘Dark Sky Places’ around the world. Rae’s article is a great introduction. It includes a couple of links to drill down to deeper info.

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Birds, Environment Angela Hoskins Birds, Environment Angela Hoskins

Is it okay to feed wild birds?

Feeding wild birds is a world-wide, nature-based pastime, a practice that can connect us to nature.

However, if birds are regularly fed the wrong food, especially when they are young, there can be severe consquences to their health and wellbeing including brittle bones and soft beaks.

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