Compost Bin Subsidy for Redlands City Residents

Redlands City Council waste audits have revealed that each year huge amounts of food waste ends up in landfill via our kerbside general waste bins. Improving how we manage organic materials is one strategy that helps limit the waste that ends up in landfill. When organic waste breaks down in landfill it releases methane, a greenhouse gas that is not good for the environment.

In an attempt to mitigate this environmental hazard — and provide beneficial composting options for households — RCC has introduced a compost bin subsidy for residents to make composting more affordable.

Mayor Jos Mitchell said that the subsidy would not only help residents generate compost for their gardens but would also divert organic waste from landfill.

“The responses to that plan demonstrated strong support for composting at home and in the community and suggestions to facilitate this included the introduction of a compost equipment subsidy scheme,” she said.

“I encourage residents to support this initiative and convert their food waste into valuable compost for their gardens.

“Composting is a fun activity to do with children and has the added benefits of removing smells from kerbside bins and reducing methane and carbon dioxide emissions in landfill.”

The subsidy is limited to one item per household and all products are subject to price change, availability and subsidy limits. At the time of writing, worm farms, compost bins, and bokashi bins are available.

For order info, visit

This information is from:

News from Redland City Council 14 May 2014

Queensland Organic Strategy 2022—2032 (PDF)

Angela Hoskins

Built my first site in 2000 and steadily learned what it takes to make websites work. Dabbled in WordPress back then, still do. Since building my first Squarespace site in 2016, I’ve been impressed with the relatively streamlined approach to website design and development that Squarespace offers compared to WordPress. SEO was a major challenge from the start — I’ve spent a lot of time keeping up with what’s required to get sites working, ranking well on a SERP. I have confidence with what Squarespace offers for SEO.

Having worked for more than 10 years in the web team of an inland, regional university in Australia and dealing with frustrations that come with working for a large corporate enterprise, the idea of setting up my own web design business became my goal.

Set up my business in late 2017. Opted for a sea change, too: I now live on Coochiemudlo Island 45 minutes from Brisbane. Love working from home. Love working for small business clients. Still get casual work with the university.

Challenges? The main one is pricing my work for small businesses. Doing quality work, doing the research to be up to date in the industry, takes time; it’s hard to factor in this time to my pricing while being competitive in the market and affordable for many small businesses.

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